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Senior Credit Officer Full-time Job

2 years ago   Sale & Marketing   Phnom Penh   642 views
Job Details


-        Clients screening and loan appraising

-        Promoting and Marketing the firm’s image and products

-        Preparing loan application and educating clients about the terms and conditions of the loans the company offers

-        Ensuring that loans are repaid according to the schedule

-        Solving problem with bad clients

-        To analyze, process and recommend financial applications for approval

-        To review and process all new applications within the stipulated turnaround time

-        To ensure all applications approved are of quality accounts and adhering to the policy and guidelines as set out by the Microfinance

-        To evaluate, validate information and documentations via telephone interviews, reports and onsite interviews

-        To assist with internal or external enquiries regarding financial matters

-        To check and ensure completeness of the application forms and documents

-        Visit and monitor clients for repayment

-        Manage and maintain client relationship, client loyalty through high quality service

-        Prepare and maintain relevant report



-        At lease BacII. Qualify

-        Commitment and Honesty

-        Ride motor and can go to the field

-        Assign from management task

Company Description
ChokChey Finance Plc. was established in 11 July, 2015. It was registered with Ministry of Commerce as public limited company under registered license No. 00002952, issued on 2nd March, 2016. The institution received its countrywide microfinance principle approval from National Bank of Cambodia in late 2015. Primary Activities are to provide micro finance services to all people in order to contribute to the Cambodian socio-economic development with the aims of improving living standards of the people in the communities focusing on increasing income through the promotion of business activities of small and medium enterprises, trades, and rural agriculture using lending and saving services with rational interests so as to ensure long-term sustainability of the Institution and the clients through its Head Office in Phnom Penh.
The registered head office of the institution is located at #9-11, St. Vengsreng, Sangkat Stung Meanchey, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia. See less