438 Jobs Found
A study on the flow characteristics of butterfly valve with baffles
3 years ago Others Samraong Full-time $-- per hour
A study on the flow characteristics of butterfly valve with baffles
The butterfly valve was originally used where a tight closure was not absolutely necessary. However, over the...
Why ETFE wire material is gaining popularity?
3 years ago Others Samraong Full-time $-- per hour
Why ETFE wire material is gaining popularity?
ETFE is one of the most robust materials out there and that is the reason behind it being used to manufacture high-quality wires. He...
What is a Solenoid Switch : Working & Its Applications
3 years ago Others Samraong Full-time $-- per hour
Switch Solenoid is used in high power circuits for switching purposes by using a small electrical control signal. This switch mainly uses decision making as well as extensive log...
Disposable Safety Clothing: Which is the Best One for the Job?
3 years ago Others Samraong Full-time $-- per hour
The staple of protective Disposable Clothing is The Type 5 & 6 coverall, alternatively known as “disposable”, "single-use" or sometimes even "paper" coveralls (although they...
Every Question You've Ever Had About Lash Extensions, Answered
3 years ago Others Samraong Full-time $-- per hour
What Are Lash Extensions?
Eyelash Extensions are semi-permanent fibers that are attached to your natural eyelashes in order to make your lash fringe look longer, fuller, and dark...
What Is The Best Drill Bit Material
What is the Best Drill Bit Material
3 years ago Others Samraong Full-time $-- per hour
Drill bits are a common type of cutting tool used to create holes with a circular cross-section from the objects through removing excess materials, come in different drill bits s...
Wildlife Conservation Society
REDD+ Compliance Monitoring and Grievance Officer (2 Positions)
3 years ago Others Sen Monorom Full-time $-- per month
Bachelor Degree in science in biology, geography, computer science and/or mathematics
Able to read maps and use technology (e.g. cameras, computers, smartphones)