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Chief Risk Officer Full-time Job

4 years ago   Sale & Marketing   Phnom Penh   452 views
Job Details


The Chief Risk Officer (CRO) will be responsible for the overall management and direction of all risk management functions in the organization; spearheading all initiatives in risk management procedures and standards. This role will report directly to the Risk Oversight Committee.


Risk Governance:

  • Implement the overall Risk Management Framework for the Bank and oversee its effective application.
  • Design and maintain a risk committee structure for the Bank and ensure it is effective.
  • Chair the Bank’s Operational Risk Management Committee ensuring that the committee is exercising its responsibilities effectively within its delegated authority; actively participate in other key committees through standing membership.

Risk Appetite:

  • Assess periodically the risk profile of the Bank and maintain alignment with risk appetite by rebalancing’ of risks or controls that may be required in response to internal and external factors.
  • Initiate with guidance from Board, a stress test and scenario program, review the results and assess their implications as deemed necessary.
  • Uphold the integrity of risk/return decisions, by challenging business and control function heads to demonstrate that risk origination and control decisions are properly informed and consistent with strategy and risk appetite.
  • Direct appropriate response to material events or other risk issues that come to the CRO’s attention.

Risk Control Ownership of Credit and Operational Risk

  • Ensure risk identification, measurement and modelling capabilities are objective, consistent and compliant with applicable regulations.
  • Ensure that material risk exposures and related issues are reported to the responsible governance committees and to Business-level committees as appropriate.
  • Review risk authorities to named individuals in line with their skills and judgment.
  • Design, maintain and effective communicate risk control parameters across the Bank, include policies, control standards, risk exposure limits and other control levels in order to maintain the Bank’s risk profile in line with the risk appetite.
  • Challenge the completeness of risk control activities across operational risk control areas and identify and address any significant gaps that may exist between them.
  • Maintain a good understanding of the requirement of the Bank’s key external stakeholders in respect of risk management and ensure these are well understood internally and reflected in internal procedures.
  • Obtain assurance regarding the effectiveness of controls and compliance with applicable laws and regulations

General Management of the Risk Function

  • Align strategy of the Risk function with business strategy and risk appetite and oversee its execution
  • Communicate the strategic intent and agenda for the Risk function
  • Maintain and develop risk capabilities, skills and infrastructure to meet ongoing business needs and plans
  • Continuously improve the operational efficiency and effectiveness of risk management processes.
  • Ensure effective management of operational risks within the Risk function and compliance with applicable internal policies, and external laws and regulations
  • The completion of the “Growth Sustainability Assessment” and follow up actions to enhance the controls of the Bank.


  • Well versed with local credit policy, country specific requirements and market trend
  • Minimum 10 years of experience in Risk related job
  • Management skill to build a team and run a department under pressure
  • Strong analytical skill to preempt negative trends in the portfolio
  • Sound understanding of credit process followed by other competitors in the market and how our own compares to that
  • Awareness of local economic and business / legal environment
  • Effective written and oral communication in English
  • University degree with appropriate training.

How to apply

Interested applicants meeting the above requirements should submit CV with recent photograph (4 x 6 cm) and cover letter to CPBank, Human Resources Department (3th Floor), No.265-269, St.Ang Duong, Sangkat Wat Phnom,Khan Doun Penh, Phnom Penh, Cambodia or Email: [email protected] Please do not attach certificates and supporting documents. Only short listed applicants will be notified. (Form file Doc in Folder).

Company Description
The Cambodia Post Bank Plc. (CPBank) is one of the leading commercial banks in Cambodia which was founded in September 2013 and is a strategic partnership among CANADIA Investment Holding Plc. (CIH), Cambodia Post (CP) of Ministry of Post and Telecommunications, and Fullerton Financial Holdings Pte. (FFH). CPBank has developed and grown steadily over the last six years with the vision to be the best mass-market bank that enriches lives and fulfills the growing aspirations of the people of Cambodia and creates sustainable value for shareholders, employees, and society.